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- <!-- Add the tap-place component to the scene so it has an effect -->
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- <!-- We can define assets here to be loaded when A-Frame initializes -->
- <a-assets>
- <a-asset-item id="fox-model" src="assets/fox_v30.glb"></a-asset-item>
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- <!-- configure capture settings -->
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- <!-- The raycaster will emit mouse events on scene objects specified with the cantap class -->
- <a-camera id="camera" position="0 8 0"> </a-camera>
- <a-entity light="
- type: directional;
- intensity: 0.8;
- castShadow: true;
- shadowMapHeight:2048;
- shadowMapWidth:2048;
- shadowCameraTop: 20;
- shadowCameraBottom: -20;
- shadowCameraRight: 20;
- shadowCameraLeft: -20;
- target: #fox" xrextras-attach="target: fox; offset: 8 15 4" position="1 4.3 2.5" shadow>
- </a-entity>
- <a-light type="ambient" intensity="0.5"></a-light>
- <!-- Adding the cantap class allows the ground to be clicked -->
- <a-box id="ground" scale="1000 2 1000" position="0 -1 0" material="shader: shadow" shadow>
- </a-box>
- <a-entity id="fox-wrapper" tap-to-place on-placed-handler>
- <a-ring id="tap-to-place-cursor" rotation="-90 0 0" material="shader: flat; color: #F7C200" radius-inner="0.5"
- radius-outer="0.8">
- </a-ring>
- <a-entity id="fox" gltf-model="#fox-model" disable-culling visible="false" rotation="0 -135 0"
- scale="2 2 2"></a-entity>
- </a-entity>
- </a-scene>
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